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Project Kickoff Checklist

The pre-flight checklist for a Boeing 757 jet consists of nearly 200 items. Pilots are expected to validate each item, even if they’ve flown thousands of hours. This helps guarantee the safety of the crew and passengers and a smooth trip. Our PMO Squad Project Kickoff Checklist serves the same purpose, to help ensure your next project journey goes smoothly.

Project Kickoff Checklist
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Why Use a Project Kickoff Checklist?  

The main categories of a pre-flight checklist cover preflight, before taxi, takeoff, and after takeoff. Our Project Kickoff Checklist Template includes twenty-five questions across three categories: before, during, and after the kickoff meeting, and includes additional reminders to increase chances of project success. Why is this important? 

  • Creates Consistency - Anyone that attends your project kickoff meetings will know what to expect. Plus, as the PMO team expands, you will create consistency across all project managers as they conduct their project kickoff meetings the exact same way. 
  • Never Miss a Thing - It’s hard to keep up with all the details generated from managing multiple projects. Using a checklist will guarantee you never miss an important step for a successful project kickoff. 
  • Sets the Tone for the Project - Conducting a kickoff meeting in a prepared and confident way sets the tone for the rest of the project. Project team members and stakeholders see you have performed your due diligence and will trust you to lead this project to completion. 
Project Kick off Checklist

How do you use the Project Kickoff Checklist?

Follow these steps to make the most of the Project Kickoff Checklist Template: 

  1. Preview the Entire Checklist - Get a lay of the land by reviewing the entire document. If it’s been some time since your last kickoff meeting, this serves as a reminder of what needs to be done and if any changes or updates need to be made to the list based on any organizational changes that have occurred.
  2. Perform the Necessary Pre Work - Identify areas you are responsible for (i.e., the RACI Matrix or Agenda) and make sure those are complete. Then, check those items off the list, which is very satisfying indeed. For things you may not have complete clarity on prior to the kickoff meeting, make sure you include Next Steps or reference Action Plans in the Notes section. 
  3. Send Invites - Think through who needs to be at the Project Kickoff meeting. At a minimum, you want the project sponsor, all the team members and their managers, and any other stakeholders deemed important to the success of the project in attendance. Depending upon the size of the project and number of people involved, the meeting could last 1-2 hours. 
  4. Conduct the Meeting - The purpose of a kickoff meeting is to give everyone an overview of the project, get them excited about what’s coming, provide an initial roadmap, and review critical milestones, phases and deadlines. Tip: be sure to allow time to answer any questions.
  5. Follow Up - Now for the fun part: following up on items that surfaced from the meeting. This could be finding answers to questions, assigning ownership of parking lot items, and generally getting the project started off on the right foot. You don’t want to keep anyone waiting at the very beginning, so ensure project team members have what they need to immediately start working on their deliverables. 

Here’s a suggestion. Pull together a repository of the templates referenced in the Project Kickoff Checklist. This includes the Project Charter, RACI Matrix, Communications Plan, Agenda, and Project Work Plan. This will make it easier for you to get the pre-work done. 

Benefits of using a Project Kickoff Checklist

Using the Project Kickoff Checklist Template: 

  • Gives You Peace of Mind - Working from a checklist gives peace of mind that everything is covered. You won’t stay awake at night wondering if you missed an important step or deliverable necessary for a strong project kickoff. 
  • Makes Room for Improvement - Using the checklist over and over again allows you to see if anything should be added or removed as you continue to meet with teams after a kickoff. Over time, the checklist will morph into exactly what your company needs to deliver projects better. 
  • Allows You to Pace Yourself - Knowing what is necessary to conduct a great project kickoff meeting teaches you to pace yourself. Rather than pulling everything together at the last minute, set a date for the meeting and then work backwards. This will give you plenty of time to make sure you get done what needs to get done. 

Get Started Today!

Project Charter signed? Check. RACI Matrix created? Check. Great Project Kickoff Meeting? Double check! The PMO Squad Project Kickoff Checklist will give you just what you need to conduct an effective project kickoff meeting and allow your projects to soar!  

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