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Why “Set It and Forget It” Never Works for Your PMO

Aug 24, 2023
Why “Set It and Forget It” Never Works for Your PMO

The phrase “set it and forget it” is great for a lot of things, for example, alarm clocks, investment contributions, and home thermostats. It simply means you think about what you want one time, set it to whatever you decide, and then don’t think about it ever again. Your alarm goes off at the same time every day, money is automatically moved over to the accounts you specify, and your house stays at your perfect temperature…all without a second thought. 

But “set it and forget it” doesn’t work when it comes to defining the purpose of your PMO. Why? Because the reason why your PMO was created may not be the same reason why it continues. At some point, company leaders got together and said there needed to be a PMO because <insert reason why here>. This “why” is the purpose of your PMO.  It could be to finish projects in a timely manner, increase compliance with government agencies, generate sales, or anything else that’s important for your company. 

But priorities and needs change. Think COVID. Priorities at the end of 2019 shifted dramatically as we entered Q1 of 2020. You would have been laughed out of the room if you were still talking about new PMO templates while entire departments and companies were being shut down. 

How Can You Tell If Your PMO is Achieving Its Purpose? 

How do you know if you are achieving the purpose of your PMO, or, more importantly, if the purpose of your PMO has changed? Simple: you ask. There’s no better time than now to ask if your PMO is achieving its original purpose. 2024 is just around the corner, which is just enough time to adjust as necessary before the new year. 

Who Do You Ask? 

Find those who set up the PMO in the first place. They’ll know whether or not the PMO is achieving its original intent. If they are no longer around, build relationships with company leaders whom the PMO rolls up to. Set up regular meetings to discuss progress and challenges with them and make “why does the PMO exist” a topic for your next meeting. 

What Does the Agenda Look Like? 

Below is an agenda you can use for your “is our PMO achieving its purpose” conversation: 

  • The Purpose of the PMO - Restate the purpose of your PMO. This will ensure you are on the same page. Or, if it’s someone new, it will bring them up to speed with what their predecessors were thinking. 
  • PMO Accomplishments - Look back over the past 6-12 months and show how your PMO has supported its original purpose. Highlight how the PMO has created value for the company in tangible ways. No need to go too much into the weeds here. Keep it at a high level. Executives are smart, they’ll get it. 
  • Expectation Alignment - This is where you ask your PMO executive if their projects taste good. Ask them if things are going as expected, or if there is anything they feel you should adjust as you finish the year out.
  • Future Expectations - Finally, determine if a future shift is coming in “why” your PMO exists. For example, a shift in business strategy that is just starting at the C-suite would be good for you to know about, to keep your PMO aligned. 

Discovering your PMO’s purpose is the first step to providing value and staying relevant. Ask the right people the right questions each year and remember to “set it and reset it” again and again! 

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