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Help Wanted: You.

Jul 31, 2023
Help Wanted: You.

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. Very sobering words, but for those who have been project managers for some time, there’s truth to that statement. Everything is new and exciting early on in your career as a Project Manager. You can’t read, talk, listen, or learn about project management enough! But after weeks, years, and decades (!?!) pass by, you find much of the excitement and joy has evaporated. 

You get to the office, check your email, run some meetings, update some reports, talk to some people, go home, eat, watch TV, go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow. That’s how a rut turns into a grave! 

We’re here to tell you if you find yourself in a similar situation, QUIT DIGGING! Mix things up a bit and try something new.  

May we suggest volunteering? 

Why Volunteering is Good for You 

Besides the obvious benefit to others, volunteering is very beneficial for you. For example, you can experience: 

  • Personal Fulfillment - Nothing is better than having a sense of purpose; what better way to achieve a sense of purpose than to help others and make a positive impact? 
  • Expanded Social Connections - Volunteering allows you to connect with those who share similar interests, and who are also nice enough to share their time and experience. “Mean” people usually don’t volunteer, and chances of walking away with a “nice” new friend or two are very high.
  • Learning and Personal Growth - It’s been said that the day you stop learning is the day you start dying (loosely attributed to Albert Einstein). What better way to stop digging that grave than by learning something new! 

Ways to Volunteer as a Project Manager 

Volunteer programs are born from someone’s desire to help others out. And, every great idea needs a project manager behind it to turn it into a reality. Right off the bat, you have a unique skill set that volunteer organizers would love to have on their team. Why not try: 

  • Non-Profit Organizations - Find a non-profit cause that you are passionate about and can apply your skills at. Not sure where to start? The Veteran Project Manager Mentor Alliance (VPMMA) co-founded by Joe Pusz and “Doc” Wright in 2017 empowers and equips military service members, veterans, and spouses to achieve project management career greatness through mentoring and professional development. Why not give that a try? 
  • Mentorship and Coaching - There are plenty of one-on-one mentorship and coaching opportunities where you could volunteer. Think about how great it would have been years ago to have someone show you the ropes when you began your project management career. Check with your HR department, local organizations such as community centers, schools or youth programs, or professional associations to see what opportunities are available. 
  • Disaster Relief Work - If you live in an area ravaged by earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes or other natural disasters, volunteers are always needed. Find out how to get involved through your local community and make sure they know you have project management skills that can be put to use. 
  • Professional Associations - Finally, there are many opportunities available within project management associations. There is always a need for someone to chair a committee, organize an event, speak at a lunch, or update a website to name just a few. And, there are so many associations, including the Project Management Institute (PMI), International Project Management Association (IPMA), Association for Project Management (APM), Agile Alliance, and Scrum Alliance, etc. 

The bottom line is this… if you’re bored and listless in your project management career and it is spilling into your personal life, shake things up by helping other people out. Find something you believe in, volunteer today, and stop digging that rut! 

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