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4 Ways to Tell if Your PMO Processes are Broken pmo project delivery project management project success Oct 19, 2023

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Some may also call it lazy, but whatever you call it, it is a tremendous waste of time. Here’s how it...

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3 Ways to Beat the Clock pmo project delivery project management project success staffing Oct 08, 2023

There’s a saying in sports that goes, “We didn’t lose the game, we just ran out of time.” Is that how this year is looking for you? The year began with plenty of time on the...

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5 Symptoms Youā€™ve Outgrown Excel as Your Project Management Tool asana pmo project management project success technology Oct 03, 2023

The end of this year is fast approaching. There’s a nip in the air, football on TV, and vibrant colors on the trees. If you’re smart, it also means that you’re looking at your...

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Why Lessons Learned are Broken and What You Can Do About It executive leadership pmo pmo leadership project management project success Sep 13, 2023

It would be unimaginable for the frontrunner in a race to make it to the finish line and then stop before crossing it. But let’s say it does happen; a runner stops one step short, throwing...

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Are Your PMO Measurements All Wrong? pmo pmo leadership project delivery project management project success Sep 11, 2023

An adage in construction says to measure twice, cut once. It means that taking the extra time up front to make sure your measurements are accurate saves time and reduces waste by not making...

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Driving PMO Value by Getting Rid of Suckers pmo pmo leadership project delivery project management Aug 25, 2023

Tomato plants are known for their vigorous growth–so vigorous, in fact, that “suckers” or “side shoots” will appear between the stem and the branches and drain...

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How to Develop PMO Standards and Best Practices leadership pmo pmo leadership project delivery project management Aug 08, 2023

Congratulations! You’ve been promoted from project manager to PMO Leader. With this promotion comes an entirely different way of looking at how you work and will succeed in your new...

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The Hidden Costs of Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence career project management Jul 26, 2023

In economics, Opportunity Cost is the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. For example, if you have $1,000 to invest in the stock market or purchase a new...

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How to Create a Roadmap for Your PMO Vision executive leadership pmo leadership project management Jul 07, 2023

We recently wrote about how an executive establishes a vision for their PMO in 5 Steps to Establish Your PMO’s Vision. As a refresher, a vision for your PMO is a clear and inspiring statement...

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Motivate with A Carrot Rather than Punish with a Stick career leadership motivation pmo leadership project management Jun 28, 2023

Motivating people with the carrot-and-stick approach is to offer employees something positive (the carrot) if they do what you want, OR,to inflict negative consequences (the stick) if they...

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How to Create a Strategy for Your PMO pmo pmo leadership project management Jun 26, 2023

The game of checkers has been around for a very long time. There’s evidence that it originated over 5,000 years ago in the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq. Besides being...

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How to Manage Risks on Your Project project delivery project management risk Jun 09, 2023

Many families are in the middle of graduation season. Children are graduating college, high school, middle school, or, it’s even now a thing for kids to graduate kindergarten. Graduations are...

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