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E54 Adding PMO Value with Strategic Intent and Portfolio Alignment

Season #1

Is your PMO adding value to the organization? How do you know? In this episode we have a fun and informative discussion with Stuart Easton Co-founder of TransparentChoice. We chat about Project Prioritization, Project Success rates, Investment in People, interesting facts about Lord Byron, Stuart's niece's artwork, and we hear a bit about Stuart's career in the US and UK.

Stuart joined us from Cambridge in the UK and hit on some great points. One example to consider, our teams can be great at project execution but if we aren't working the correct projects are we truly adding value to the organization? Do we have Strategic Intent with our portfolio? Are our projects supporting the strategic interests of the organization?

How many of you have 5, 6, 10, or more #1 priorities within your portfolio? Are you truly examining the projects to evaluate importance and impact on the business? Are you having challenges with Resource Management? Perhaps the challenge isn't not enough resource rather there is a lack of focus on which projects which will add value.

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