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E32 - PMOps with Kim Curtis and Echo Woolf

Season #2

Are you familiar with PMOps? We've all heard of DevOps and SecOps and now we learn of PMOps. Listen to this episode to hear Kim Curtis share the experiences and successes from 30+ years in the PM trenches.

All our shows are live and at times that gives us some technical difficulties, but in this episode our guests Kim and Echo Woolf worked through all of it and brought in another insightful show full of valuable content.

Echo shares her story growing into a successful Project Manager and Entrepreneur. We hear her experience knowing early on she would pursue a PM career and now working to help others through her consulting work and PM training. Listen to get her insight on how to get your PM career started and ways to accelerate your growth.

Tune in for upcoming shows with Project Management leaders and subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcast, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Stitcher, Spreaker or your favorite podcast platform!

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