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E23 - Dale Richards from Swattage and John Baley from PMI Phoenix

Season #2

In this episode of Project Management Office Hours Joe Pusz, PMO Joe, and his guests Dale Richards from Swattage and John Baley from PMI Phoenix discuss innovative PM/PMO tools, PMI focus in 2019, and Project Management Leadership.

Dale shares his story behind Swattage, the Project Innovation Lab and tools they offer the PM community. Swattage offers the Circuit app connecting Executive Sponsors with Project Managers. They also have the PMO Value Perception Topography a method for measuring the landscape of how your PMO is perceived. Get a free report sample at

As a returning guest, John shared all the benefits that the PMI Phoenix chapter provides to its members including, regular dinner and breakfast meetings throughout the Valley, industry training, networking, and special events. John talked about PMI's focus on the practitioner in 2019. Dale and John also have a great in-depth discussion on Project Management leadership and the necessary skills to become a stronger Project Manager.

Listen in to the full episode to hear the details from both of these Project Management leaders. We covered so much in this episode on Project Management Leadership and Innovation and I wish we had more time to continue the discussion. You can learn more about Dale and Swattage by visiting To learn more about John and connect with him, visit

Tune in for upcoming shows with Project Management leaders and also subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcast, iHeartRadio or your favorite podcast platform! Our next show will be February 21st with Kevin Jacobs and Jan Schiller.