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E4 - David Dietz from Honeywell and Pete Stephens from Daicel Safety Systems

Season #1

In this episode of Project Management Office Hours, Joe Pusz, PMO Joe chats with David Dietz from Honeywell and Pete Stephens from Daicel Safety Systems.

The 3 have a great discussion on the differences of Project Management in Europe and Asia compared to how we run projects here in the US. David also talks in detail about his time in the Military and how that has influenced his civilian Project Management career.

Joe shares with the audience that sponsor, THE PMO SQUAD, operates a Veterans Project Management Mentoring Program in partnership with Vet2PM and Veterans2Work. The Program pairs Veterans seeking to transition to civilian PM careers with PMP who volunteer time to help mentor the Veterans.

We also discuss Project Management careers, how PMOs work in large organizations, and several other Project Management topics!